The Operating Environment Check Tool is used to check the status of your PC, camera, microphone and speakers, and the connection to the server.
How to use
Please confirm whether the camera, microphone and speakers are connected to your PC correctly.
Click "Check Start" button below to run the Operating Environment Check Tool.
You can check easily in accordance with the instructions on the screen.
Check results can be export to a text file or an e-mail.
Check Start
The Operating Environment Check Tool is not intended to determine whether your environment is available or not available. Please use as a guide.
The Operating Environment Check Tool is an app for Windows. Other operating systems such as Mac, iOS, and Android are not available.
Network Check is connection and bandwitdh check between your PC and the web conference server.
The Operating Environment Check Tool requires .Net Framework 3.5 or .NET Framework 4.0. If your PC does not have these component, please install it before running check.
When Windows SmartScreen prevents the check from starting, please try to click "More info" and "Run anyway".